Main Content
If you come to a fork in the road, take it. — Yogi Berra
This is the main content area for your web pages. This design is a relatively simple 3-Column CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) design. As such, it separates most of the presentation styling from the page content.
The page has a title at the very top on the left and a subtitle on the right. There is then a masthead picture, implemented as a CSS background that's 760 pixels wide and 144 pixels high. Beneath the masthead, there's a main content box. This main box has a 36 pixel-wide border on the left. It then has, from left to right, a navigation column, this main content column, and a column for extra announcements and links on the right. Beneath these, there's a section for copyrights and credits. That's about it.
The navigation links are implemented as a simple unordered list. The styling is all CSS. All of this should degrade nicely for a text-only or audio-reader browser. The navigation list has also been split out into a separate file, included using PHP. Thus, changing the navigation links for many pages only requires editing one file. The same include technique has been used for the logos noting that the design has been validated for correct XHTML and CSS.
included the classes pixleft and pixright to
float pictures to the left and right, as with the example here.