RamblemuseSM Annotated General Bibliography
Margaret: 1998.
Basic Linear Geostatistics., 1, Springer, ISBN: 3540618457, 155 pages, $52.95 USD.
Linear Geostatistics covers basic geostatistics from the
underlying statistical assumptions, the variogram calculation and
modelling through to kriging. The underlying philosophy is to give
the students an indepth understanding of the relevant theory and
how to put it into practice. This means going into the theory in
more detail than most books do, and also linking it with
applications. It is assumed that readers, students and
professionals alike, are familiar with basic probability and
statistics, and matrix algebra needed for solving linear systems.
Some reminders on these are given in an appendix at the end of the
book. A set of exercises is integrated into the text.
Edward H., R. Mohan Srivastava: 1990.
An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics., first, Oxford University Press, USA, ISBN: 0195050134, 592 pages, $79.95 USD.
This book describes applied geostatistical methods at an
introductory level. It is an easy-to-read book, aimed at
undergraduates and "practitioners" with some knowledge of calculus
and elementary statistics. A sample from a single, large
geographic data set is used to demonstrate techniques. The
exhaustive data set provides true values, permitting comparisons
of true and estimated values.
Andre, G, C, J Huijbregts: 2004.
Mining Geostatistics., first, The Blackburn Press, ISBN: 1930665911, 600 pages, $84.95 USD.
First published in 1978, this book was the first complete
reference work on the subject of mining geostatistics, an attempt
to synthesize the practical experience gained by researchers from
the Centre de Morphologie Mathematique in France and by mining
engineers and geologists all over the world who contributed their
ideas. It was designed for students and engineers who wished to
apply geostatistics to practical problems occurring in the
lifetime of a mine and for this reason was built around typical
problems, progressing from the simplest to the most complicated:
structural analysis, guiding exploration, estimation of in situ
resources and recoverable reserves, numerical models of deposits,
simulation of mining and homogenization processes, ore grade
control in production. The techniques developed are illustrated by
a large number of case studies and, as an aid to the reader, each
chapter begins with a summary of the contents and there is a guide
to the notation used. "The book is a practical treatise, written
by practicing mining engineers and intended for other practicing
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